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Time Series data for Site

This allows to get the most daily data for a site based on a site ID from the idlist. The tool exports the time series data for both NOAA and spotter datasets as CSV to a given folder. It attaches the site_id to the CSV filename spotter_dhw_siteid for example spotter_dhw_1113. It Now supports custom date ranges since v0.1.0


pyaqua site-timeseries -h
usage: pyaqua site-timeseries [-h] --sid SID --fpath FPATH [--months MONTHS] [--start START] [--end END] [--dtype DTYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Required named arguments.:
  --sid SID        Site ID
  --fpath FPATH    Folder path for export

Optional named arguments:
  --months MONTHS  Total number of months in the past from today (default=3)
  --start START    Start date for daily data in format YYYY-MM-DD
  --end END        End date for daily data in format YYYY-MM-DD
  --dtype DTYPE    Data type: wind/wave/temp/sat_temp/alert/anomaly/dhw

Last update: 2022-09-29
Created: 2021-12-13